Legendary Infopreneur

How To Keep Your Students Engaged

  • Tips & Tricks
  • Blog-Post
  • Posted a few days ago


Keeping your students engaged is one of the most important things you can do. You want to make sure they are learning, not just scrolling through content they aren't going to keep. To help with that, here are some tips and tricks you might try:

If you're looking for more ways to make your course more engaging, interesting and fun, then look no further! Keep reading and you'll end up being able to create the most engaging course ever!

Tell A Story With Your Course

As a teacher, it's your job to make learning fun and easy for your students. In order to do this, you'll want to use stories in the course material. What does this mean? It means that instead of just giving them facts about how something works or how someone did something, you should tell them a story about how it happened. By telling them about someone else who went through a similar situation and came out with success (or failure), students can more easily relate their own experiences with what they're reading.

You can also use stories within the context of an assignment or lesson plan as another way of engaging students' interest in the material being taught—and making sure they don't forget anything once class is over! This can be done by using relevant examples from current events or pop culture references that students will be able to relate back on later when they need help remembering something specific from earlier classes.

Break Your Content Into Sections with Subsections

  • Break your content into chunks.
  • Use subheadings to break up your content, especially if you're teaching something that requires a lot of steps or information. This can help students find the information they need quickly, and it also allows them to create a sense of progression as they work through the lesson.
  • Use subheadings for each section or subsection of your lesson plan so that it's easier for students to digest what they're reading.

Offer Incentives

Offering incentives is a great way to keep your students engaged in their coursework. You can use incentives for any of the following:

  • Completing the course (e.g., free access to additional resources)
  • Taking quizzes (e.g., 50% off next purchase)
  • Taking tests (e.g., a free hat)
  • Submitting homework assignments on time (e.g., special recognition on social media)

quoteYou can also use incentives for projects and reviews by offering discounts or credit toward future purchases, as well as coupons for physical goods such as food or clothing items from your shop if you have one set up already!

Include Visual Elements in Your Content

Sometimes, the best way to teach something is by using a visual element. You can use images and videos to help explain concepts, or show students how to do something. Here are some examples:

  • Use images of plants and animals to label parts of a cell.
  • Use video clips from YouTube that demonstrate basic concepts in biology or physics.
  • Use an image of a volcano erupting to introduce students to the concept of plate tectonics.

Use Video Lectures

Video lectures are a great way to:

  • Build rapport with your students and make them trust you.
  • Engage your students.
  • Show your students what you look like.
  • Show your students what you sound like.
  • Show your students what you do, as well as how you do it and why that's important.

Choose the Right Online Course Platform

When choosing an online course platform, you should consider the following:

  • How easy is it to set up? Does it come with a lot of features that I'll never use? Will it be easy for me to customize and make my own?
  • How easy is it for my students to get used to using this platform? Can they easily navigate through all the content, including discussion boards and videos? Are there any glitches or bugs that keep getting in their way of learning (or mine)?
  • Is this software compatible with most browsers and devices so that my students don't have trouble accessing information when they're away from school.

There are so many good options out there, however, I personally prefer Teachable because it's so user friendly, both for the students and the instructors, and it has everything you'll need to get started with a FREE PLAN so you don't have to pay a dime until you're making real money.



The options are endless for making your course engaging. You can try different approaches and see what works best for you and your students. By using this advice as a guide, you’ll know exactly where to start when creating an online course—and how to keep your users engaged with it. Keep these tips in mind, and have fun building!

Start Your Journey Today!

I have created a simple yet powerful 5-lesson FREE COURSE on how to Build and Sell A Digital Course successfully online. So, if you have been wondering if you can monetize your knowledge, then this is when you find out exactly how. Even if you think that you have nothing to teach; I'll prove you wrong! Click here now to get started!